Even great products can fail with bad positioning. On the other hand, they can start growing like weeds when positioned correctly. I'll show you a framework that helped me...
Crossing the ChasmCrossing the Chasm is hard work, and it can happen invisibly, or it may never happen. But even after the chasm, your work is really...
Ride both sides. Why Only Two Things Matter? I talk a lot about the distribution part of the startup/business highway, because that's the part which is ...
Coaching can be fun but it's harder than it looksWell, I thought coaching founders would be fun and easy. After over a decade of mentoring and some c...
From what I've seen over the past 4-5 years being in crypto, web3 projects have five ways to win over competition, and that puts them into a much bet...
When you do exciting things, you have many things to talk about every day, yet most people and teams don't take time to reflect and build knowledge base for the future...
In my experience, a startup of any type with a team full of engineers and (hopefully) designers only needs to hire for two roles.
This is the second chance in 2024 to own your share of history from my weekly colorful ASTRO inspired art pieces — the resolution is 16MP (4096x4096)...
I don't know so few lean into podcasting. Podcasting RSS feed is actually one of the most decentralized mediums with an effectively transferable audience.
The best startups and companies do everything around distribution and innovation themselves. That's how they learn about the market and their target customers. That's how they build that sixth sense for good or bad adjacencies, good and bad features, partners, distribution channels, etc. You can't f
I have teased my intention to create a weekly for quite some time. I do create art almost all the time, but I wanted to get a sense of the style that...
If you have spent some time in the crypto space, you might have seen it - there are only two ways to win crowds' attention - shameless hype and promi...
Acquire, then rebuild better. Surprisingly, I have had this conversation many times in the past several months that I felt compelled to summarize my thoughts - why it's sometimes good idea to buy ...
Things Start Happening HereI know, I know, it has been a while since I wrote the first Hello World and then nothing! I started thinking about regular...
Every online beginning deserves proper Hello World post for the history records :grinning: BFG
Early-stage hiring should always feel like almost-late!! One thing that often happens in "hot" start-ups is premature hiring. It's a shameful waste of...
Lessons for building better products, teams and businesses. Based on real founders' experience.
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